Just the musings of a young woman with thoughts to share...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Popcorn Brain"

I have a serious case of "popcorn brain" right now.  If you could do a cross-section of my thoughts, you'd get something like this:

Black Space = My Brain.   Everything else = Thoughts.  Yes, I do think in multi-color.

So, as you may imagine, I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on anything.  Most especially the Algebra that I really need to be looking at before I take the COMPASS test at 8:00 am Friday.  At the rate I'm going now, I'm going to get placed in the college version of "basic arithmetic for dummies".  

So, in avoidance of Algebra and other things responsible - like school shopping,  I need a backpack, and all that jazz...  Anyway, short of doing those sort of things, I'm blogging.  But hey, I promised a friend that I'd keep up with it, so it has to be done too.  So I'm still being productive. 

Right?  Right.  Good.

Amidst the hub-bub currently going on inside my brain, I am immensely happy.  I have something of the feeling of hanging on to a carnival ride for dear life, but I'm ready to face the adventures ahead.   I'm also scared stiff.  But, that too is part of the adventure of life, so I guess I'm ready to face that as well.  Thank goodness for stage fright training, is all I can say!

Until another time, when my brain actual allows a full and insightful post...


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