Just the musings of a young woman with thoughts to share...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Musings on - life?

Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run.
There's no hurry anymore, when all is said and done...

That's one of my all-time favorite songs.  Yeah, I know, it's ABBA.  So what?   For that matter, I even like the movie version with Pierce Brosnan singing it the best.  It's just - beautiful.

Anyway, that wasn't the point of this, actually.

The point was "Crossroads."

Which is an awesome Eric Clapton song:

But that wasn't where I was headed either. 

What I came in here to write about, before getting musically distracted,  was my own personal crossroads, which is pretty darn exciting.

I'm about to start on a college career I've dreamed of for years, and have finally been able to make a reality.  Work is going great, and I'm excited about the coming year at the dance studio.    Life is good, and I'm glad to be able to say that again.  I haven't been this inwardly happy, this content with myself and the state of my life for years.

The last nearly 10 years have been - well, interesting for me.   There have been good things, and there have been bad, but everything I've been through in that time has brought me to where I am now.   There can be no present without the past, and no future without the present.   

Anyway, I won't get off into a bunch of deep philosophical meanderings, suffice it to say that I have, quote, "found myself", end quote, and really like the person I found, and this path she's wandering off on.   It may not make sense to anyone else, but it does to me, and that's what counts in the end, I guess. 

I don't know what the point of this post is, or if there even is one - just seems like something that needed to said, and if it's worth saying - might as well blog it, right? ;-)


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