Just the musings of a young woman with thoughts to share...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Musings on Packing

Inevitably, if one is to travel, one must pack.  I hate packing.  Actually, what I hate is deciding just what I need and want to bring.  Gathering a few days worth of outfits is hard, because I don't know what I'll want to wear - and then one must gather all the accessories for those outfits, or start over and pare it down to something more basic.

For this trip, for example, I need two "nice" outfits for the conferences at night.  I also need three "normal" outfits for during the day.   That's five outfits, for the course of a two-night trip.  As I do try to travel light, this means that I have the challenge of finding only one or two pairs of shoes that will work for all the outfits I choose.  Sometimes, I think it would be easier to build the outfit around the available shoes, honestly.

Then, I must consider all the other items that used during the course of the day.  You don't realize how many items and products it takes just to take a shower and get ready for the day, until you have to find a place for them in a suitcase.   A good deal of the basics - hair brush, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc, are in my makeup kit anyway, so that helps.  But the shampoo, conditioner, face wash, shaving cream and razor, etc...  It's incredible.  Being a girl is hard work, you know?

The next part, I actually moderately enjoy.  Finding a place to put everything is like doing a giant jigsaw puzzle - shoes in the bottom, bathing suit and pajamas tucked around them to keep it from getting scuffed.  Pants next, since those are heavier, then shirts, with smaller things tucked in around the edges.  All the bathing sort of things go into a plastic bag for leak protection, and slide into the end where it won't get squished.

And then the zipper won't close.  So, I pull it all out, flip the shoes the other way, move the bag of toiletries to a different spot, fold clothes into smaller packages...  When it's all in again, and finally zipped, I can breathe a sigh of relief, until I realize that I also packed my clothes to travel in tomorrow.  While this accounts for the unexpected lack of room, it means that it has to be redone.  Again.  Sigh...

Once clothes and personal items are accounted for, the rest of the prep begins.  GPS and back-up maps.  Snacks for the car, to avoid over-priced fast food on the road.  Camera.  Extra batteries.  Phone charger - and where did I put my iPod this time??? 

Finally though, it's all assembled, ready to load into the car. Final checks can wait until morning, there's always something to be added.   The cats are nosing around the suitcases, sulking.  They don't like it when "their humans" go away, and they feel certain that by sleeping on top of the packed suitcases, they can prevent us from doing so. 

So, in conclusion, I'm packed, I'm ready, and I'm excited.  The cats are mad.  The next couple of posts will be a "travel journal", and I'll have pics up, probably when I return home.  I hope you enjoy my trip as much as I plan to!


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